Friday, September 02, 2005

It has been far too long since I wrote in this thing. I have moved to Fresno to work with the urban community since the middle of August. Its been a challenge since I am alone a lot. I have been lonely. But things are starting to pick up and I am having to trust that God lead me here for a reason. I have been reading proverbs lately. Its not one of those books in the bible where you can rush right through. I was stuck forever on "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge". It is such a complex thought.

I'll you dwell in that thought.

my days are still
and long
where silence only breaks
when sirens fill the sky

and I wonder
why I am here
where the farms are dry desert
and the city is abandoned to die

drought of life on many levels

here I sit
on balcony bright
and wisdom light
waiting for my life to begin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Has it really been that long since I saw you? What's in Fresno? Give me a ring or email me: (not any more!).

Will you be in town for any holidays?
